The retailer has joined Morrisons, Asda and Booths in calling for a full consultation on changes to Agricultural Property Relief
Lucia Slack, an NHS mental health nurse from Cumbria, said she hopes to address suicide as the 'biggest hidden danger' in farming
Cereals event director Alli McEntyre said Mr Clarkson would 'help to draw attention to the ongoing issues arable farmers and the wider UK farming industry faces at present'
The Environment Agency fined a Norfolk farmer £4,300 after he took more water than he was legally licensed to take following a leak at his farm
The retailer said it feared losing out on 'millions of pounds' if unlawful protests took place in the future
The review said on-farm audits had caused stress, complexity and a sense of 'jeopardy' amongst farmers
The retailer said the investment, worth nearly £1m, could see farmers directly 'rewarded' for their efforts in reducing carbon emissions and promoting nature on their farms
Gordon and Buchan MP Harriet Cross said the UK needed screening and spot testing to be implemented in response to Germany's foot-and-mouth outbreak
Harry Parsons, 22, is a rural business adviser at SRH Agribusiness. He is from Laxey on the Isle of Man.
Pressure continues to mount on the Prime Minister and Chancellor Rachel Reeves to consult with farmers on the Autumn Budget