Efra chair Alistair Carmichael said the Defra Secretary and the Farming Minister should be the ‘voice of farmers within Government but they are clearly not being listened to' over the family farm tax
When asked what political barriers there were to the Treasury adopting the clawback solution put to Treasury officials last week, Mr Bradshaw said the Government was looking for an ‘economic moment', referencing the Autumn Budget later this year
Defra Secretary Steve Reed said farmers and land managers who had been the ‘pioneers of nature-friendly farming', would now ‘finally get a fair price for their work'
NFU president Tom Bradshaw to say there is ‘so much more to do' and there is still time for this Government to 'reset its relationship with farming and rural Britain'
With less than two months before tax changes are due to come into fore, Saffrey explains how farmers can make the most of tax benefits on double cab pick-ups, alongside some of the additional costs they will have to face