A new report has revealed that farmers across Britain are continuing to experience the emotional and financial impact of livestock worrying attacks on-farm
The Farm Safety Foundation said mental health in young farmers has been getting worse year-on year over the past four years. What are the factors which are impacting the health of young people working in the sector?
Why did Morrisons seek an injunction from protests taking place at its distribution centres?
Mr Taylor writes about changes to ABR and BPR, alongside the revenue it will raise for the Treasury
Countryside Alliance chief executive Tim Bonner said changes to shotgun ownership could have a detrimental impact on farming and rural communities
Argyll and Bute Councillor Alastair Redman said lab-grown meat 'undermined' the work of farmers and crofters in producing high-quality meat
Livestock worrying continues to impact farmers financially and emotionally. Is it time for dog owners to start taking FG's 'Take the Lead' campaign seriously?
Do farmers and crofters needs greater legislative support to deal with machinery theft incidents in Scotland?
Arable farmers Karen and David Yates said they have until February 24 to leave Earls Farm in Bolton
Mr Williams is public and governmental affairs manager at BASF. He writes about the state of British agriculture, food security, land management and questions Defra Secretary Steve Reed needs to answer at NFU Conference