A farmer is calling on his landlord the National Trust to enforce a mandatory ‘dogs on leads’ policy while walking through fields with livestock after loose dogs chased a heavily in-calf cow off a 30ft ledge.
Rodents have been running rampant in parts of Australia for several weeks, causing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of damage to crops and buildings.
Consumers believe imported food should meet the same environmental and animal welfare standards as food produced in the UK, but more than a third buy the cheapest product available.
From using a drone to herd sheep to discovering a failed oilseed rape crop, dealing with red tape and all under the watchful eye of the locals here is a first look at Jeremy Clarksons first foray into farming.
From using a drone to herd sheep to discovering a failed oilseed rape crop, dealing with red tape and all under the watchful eye of the locals – here is a first look at Jeremy Clarkson’s first foray into farming.
Farming groups have blasted the Government’s decision to agree a free-trade deal with Australia, calling it a ’betrayal’.Â
More than 2,000 farmers have responded to Defra’s call for applicants for the pilot of the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI), one of the Government’s three new schemes.
Farm chiefs are worried about a Government plan to grant tariff-free access to Australia which they say risks undermining British producers and Ministers’ own pledges to maintain high standards in new deals.
With more people engaging with the countryside than ever before, NFU president Minette Batters believes now is the time for British farmers to showcase what they can deliver for society. She tells Olivia Midgley why she is backing #FarmingCAN.Â