Backward and forward crops will need a good early dose of nitrogen as where soil nitrogen supply (SNS) levels are low they are at risk of running out of steam, advises leading crop production specialists.Backward and forward crops will need a good early d
A key take home message at the Rootstock conference in Exeter was to change the way growers think about soils
As spring barley drilling gets underway in some areas, Limagrain UK’s arable technical manager, Ron Granger, outlines six ways to get the most from the crop this season.
Íæż½ã½ã were advised to remain vigilant as a once localised, coastal pest is travelling further afield into the UK causing foliage and root damage to sugar beet.
The fava bean could make a comeback in farmer’s fields and shopping baskets, as Tesco and its suppliers trial the use of the crop across a host of different product ranges and ingredients.
Welsh farms have significantly increased farmland bird populations since growing seed-bearing cover crops and providing supplementary seed feeding stations.
Íæż½ã½ã who want to adopt more sustainable and environmentally friendly farming methods could face lower short-term margins, but the long-term benefits could outweigh the losses, according to the results of a trial in Scotland.
With beet moth damage also causing yellowing in sugar beet crops, British Beet Research Organisation (BBRO) lead scientist warns the disease threat of virus yellows remains.
A new cover crops guide for farmers in northern England will bring together farmer-led, independent information about species selection, establishment and termination.
A farmer-led research project exploring new ways to manage slug damage is seeking ‘Slug Scouts’ who will trap and send in slugs for feeding studies.