As a farmer discussing the weather is an unwritten rule. So, let's start there. Our farming practices have been tested by the relentless weather patterns endured
Research has shown heat stress at any point during the dry period can affect the lifetime performance and productivity of the developing foetus
A power outage has affected the British Cattle Movements Service
With dairies announcing unusual milk price rises for May, Cedric Porter takes a look at the milk markets
At a recent Dugdale Nutrition event in Carlisle, independent dairy consultant, Dr Gordie Jones, shared his advice on how to find lost litres in dairy management and cow comfort
Heat stress is one of the most challenging stressors on dairy cow production, compromising milk yield and quality and overall profitability
From May 1, Arla farmers supplying conventional milk will receive 40.45ppl and organic Arla farmers will receive 49.98ppl
Muller dairy farmers will receive 38ppl from 1 June 2024
For the Bayley family, changes to the accommodation for their housed herd of cows was made necessary after issues with heat stress in 2022