Íæż½ã½ã and growers are getting increasingly frustrated and concerned over the wet spring, which is on track to be one of the wettest in living memory, and if the situation does not change for the better soon, the inflationary repercussions will surely be felt later this year
New NFU dairy board chair Paul Tompkins said that if farmers knew what was influencing their milk prices, they would understand the ‘risk profile' of their milk and be able to make ‘business decisions' based on that
A livestock vet is warning of the increased risk from flies this spring and urging early action to prevent costly losses following one of the warmest and wettest springs on record
With inseminations now in full swing in spring calving herds, and autumn calving some months away, breeding decisions for block-calving herds may be either made, or on the distant horizon
Transmission of high health and efficiency are hallmarks of a new wave of leading Jersey bulls in the breed £PLI rankings
A continued strong lead by the Holstein sire, Genosource Captain, plus two new graduates in the top 10 are features of the daughter-proven Profitable Lifetime Index (£PLI) ranking
Sons of Genosource Captain now dominate among young genomic Holstein bulls, securing the first four positions in the ranking for Profitable Lifetime Index (£PLI), published this week by AHDB
Dairy farms in Kansas and Texas have been affected
Outgoing NFU dairy board chair, Michael Oakes said: "They [the processors and retailers] need us and we need them. While we will not agree all the time, by any means, I think actually working together means we are so much stronger"
However, the organic price will increase in the UK by 1.34ppl