Bristol University is pioneering an innovative artificial intelligence (AI) system for monitoring cattle health and welfare through advanced camera technologies
Íæż½ã½ã must deal with excess heifers to solve the issue, said Ben Williams, of Leprino Foods
Genetic gains in dairy are happening faster than ever before, said Marco Winters, head of animal genetics at AHDB
The Countryside Alliance said local authorities needed to 'back off' telling people what to eat
This month, Roger Evans discusses cheap food, recounts a tale about horse thefts and gives his thoughts on the debate around the right to die legislation
Protein extracted from organic grass has great potential as a climate- and environmentally efficient alternative protein source for animal feed and even human feed
Oh what a three months it's been; Inheritance Tax, BPS slashing, capital grants ‘paused', the removal of commercial vehicle status on double cab pick ups and let's not forget the Bovaer foray
Glyn Lucas, dairy sales manager for Harrison & Hetherington, discusses the role of beef from the dairy herd fitting into the food chain
The West family combine teamwork and a passion for excellence to create a thriving dairy enterprise
Making the most of their location by installing vending machines selling milkshakes, ice cream and coffee, has enabled a dairy farming family to generate additional income streams