Thousands of farmers made their voices heard in the capital in protest of the Chancellor's proposed changes to Inheritance Tax
NFU encourages farming families to hand over pre-loved toys to Treasury to demonstrate how Inheritance Tax changes threaten their future
NFU president Tom Bradshaw tells farmers to 'stand loud and proud make their voices heard'
Chief executive says while farmers realise there will be no U-turn, steps can be taken to minimise damage
It was bad news for Chancellor Rachel Reeves as growth prediction slumped and inflation looked set to rise
A group of Young Íæż½ã½ã were given the opportunity to take their fight for the future of farming straight to Parliament
This week from Íæż½ã½ã editor Olivia Midgley
The chair of the Copa-Cogeca cereals and oilseeds working group highlighted the importance of having farmers at the top table in affecting Government policy
Organisers say 'Change Your Tune Starmer' as MPs prepare to discuss Inheritance Tax once again
National Preparedness Commission says the UK Government needs a total rethink on food resilience