A new £70 million scheme that aims to transform the UKs National Park peatlands from carbon sources to carbon sinks has been met with caution by farming groups.
A tenant family farm is battling a decision by Natural England (NE) to stop them from using their grazing rights on common land.
Defra should move quickly to establish an ombudsman in England to oversee disputes which arise between tenants and landlords, a new landmark review has recommended.
A new television reality show offering a 10-year National Trust tenancy as a prize has been criticised for turning what is serious entrepreneurial commitment into a mere ‘beauty contest’.
Farm Business Tenancies (FBTs) now cover more agricultural land in England than Agricultural Holdings Act (AHA) agreements, official figures have revealed.
Tenant farmers must be given full, independent access to all Government schemes and incentives if the sector is to thrive in a future agricultural landscape, according to the Rock Review which has been published today.
Rent freezes could have decades-long consequences for the private rented sector in rural Scotland.
The Scottish Government has unveiled plans for a four-tier support scheme, but NFU Scotland warned there are still no ‘detailed policy options’ on the table.
Conservative leadership candidate Rishi Sunak was grilled by farmers and the press during an NFU hustings held at the union’s headquarters in Stoneleigh last week. Abi Kay reports on the highlights.
TFA Cymru has highlighted significant concerns about how tenant farmers will access the new Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS) in Wales.