Opinions around their being too much of a heavy emphasis around calculating carbon in future farm support models were herd at the Rare Breeds Survival Trust (RBST) Scotland’s Farm to Fork conference, held last week in Fife.
Funding is set be made available for small-scale producers in Scotland later this year.
With this year marking 50 years since the Rare Breeds Survival Trust (RBST) was founded, chief executive Christopher Price reflects on what has been achieved in that time and priorities for the future
Livestock farmers are being encouraged to investigate all unexplained abortions or stillbirths in their herds or flocks.
The packaging of Lidl’s Birchwood lamb has been criticised due to the placement of the union flag
NSA calls out former Defra representative for incorrect and damaging statement on UK sheep farming.
As the most common ‘iceberg’ disease in the UK sheep industry, increased awareness of ovine Johne’s disease at a farm level is key to managing the disease. Katie Fallon reports.
The recent cold snap in many parts of the UK could mean a spike in nematodirus risk is to come for some sheep flocks if temperatures quickly rise soon after.
The business processes up to 10,000 lambs per week
After the success of the first round of funding in 2022, Katie Fallon looks at what is involved in round two of the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund.