
Epoxiconazole use-up dates

Withdrawal periods for all registered products containing fungicide active ingredient epoxiconazole have been confirmed by the Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD).

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Epoxiconazole use-up dates

Withdrawal periods for all registered products containing fungicide active ingredient epoxiconazole have been confirmed by the Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD).

CRD concluded that it should allow the full grace period available and will withdraw authorisations:

  • for sale and supply by 31 October 2020; and
  • for disposal, storage and use by 31 October 2021.

"Allowing the full period does, however, raise a concern," says CRD. "A revised risk assessment shows that the currently authorised use on cereals poses an unacceptable risk to birds.

"We therefore recommend that users do not apply products containing epoxiconazole at 83g active substance/hectare or higher to cereals before growth stage 40, in order to mitigate this risk."

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