
Steak and kidney pudding

clock • 2 min read
Steak and kidney pudding

Serves six people


  • 900g/2lb lean chuck or rump steak, trimmed and cut into 2.5cm/1in cubes
  • 225-350g/8-12oz ox kidney, trimmed and cut into 2.5cm/1in cubes
  • 1 large onion, chopped v 350g/12oz flat cap or Portobello mushrooms, halved and sliced (optional)
  • 25g/1oz plain flour
  • 300ml/½pint stout or brown ale
  • 300ml/½pint good, hot beef stock, homemade, if preferred
  • 30ml/2tbsp Worcestershire or brown sauce
  • 1 sachet bouquet garni
  • Salt and freshly milled black pepper

For the suet pastry:

  • 350g/12oz self-raising flour
  • 5ml/1tsp baking powder
  • 175g/6oz shredded beef suet
  • 30ml/2tbsp freshly chopped flat-leaf parsley
  • 300ml/½pint ice cold water
  • 25g/1oz butter


  • In a large casserole dish heat the butter or dripping and cook the beef and kidney for four to five minutes, in batches until brown on all sides. Add the onions and mushrooms (if used) and cook for two minutes. Sprinkle over the flour and cook for one to two minutes.
  • Add the stout or brown ale, stock, Worcestershire or brown sauce, bouquet garni and season. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat and cover and cook for 60-90 minutes until the meat is tender. Set aside to cool for 20 minutes and remove the bouquet garni.
  • Meanwhile, prepare the pastry: In a large bowl sift together the flour, baking powder and season. Add the suet and parsley and mix into the flour. When blended add enough water to bind to a soft, pliable dough. Cover and leave to rest for about 20 minutes.
  • Grease a 1.3-litre/three-pint pudding basin with the butter. Take a quarter of the pastry for the lid and set aside. Roll out the remaining pastry and line the pudding basin, leaving at least 1cm/½in of the pastry hanging over the edge of the basin.
  • Spoon the cooled meat filling into the basin and brush the edges of the pastry with water, then roll out the remaining pastry to cover the top. Place on top of the basin and press down well to seal.
  • Cover the basin with a double layer of greased foil or greaseproof paper, pleated in the middle (the pleats will allow the pudding to expand during cooking) and tie with string, making a little handle with extra string at each side, so you can lift the pudding out of the saucepan or steamer.
  • Steam the pudding on an upturned, heatproof plate or saucer in a large covered saucepan filled with hot water or a steamer for two hours, checking the water level regularly.
  • Remove the string and foil or paper. Serve the pudding either by spooning portions from the pudding basin or turn out whole onto a plate and serve with creamy mashed potatoes and peas.

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