
This month on the family farm: 'Our holidays are always ruled by the farming calendar. But is that right?'

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This month on the family farm: 'Our holidays are always ruled by the farming calendar. But is that right?'

Lowlands farm, in southwest Birmingham, is home to Beth Withers and her husband, Tom. Here, she talks about bringing up her growing family at Lowlands, and the balance between motherhood and farming.

2022, did anyone see that one coming? I certainly did not.

It sounds strange to even say that we are in January and a new year has begun. Even though we are relatively rural the impact of COVID continues and it seems to have made the last two years a total blur.

For most the new year brings with it many things - new goals and ambitions, new promises, a sense of fresh start or even just a bit more space once the Christmas decorations have been put away. I personally love to think through some goals for the year. For me they tend to be the standard resolutions such as healthy eating, but also changes for the family that I believe will improve our quality of life.

An example which seems small to some but for us often ends up in a big debate is holidays. Our holidays are always ruled by the farming calendar. But is that right? We never go on holiday during lambing, or harvest, or planting. Oh, and in the winter all the animals need feeding twice a day so that is also ruled out. Instead of putting our family first and time with our children, it often becomes that work is put first.

I appreciate that farming is a way of life, and we adapt around that, but this year one of my goals is for us to be more flexible when it comes to holidays. With three little ones we will not be venturing abroad, and I am not talking about disappearing for three weeks in the middle of harvest. Just small changes such as going to the seaside for a long weekend or even camping in our own field will ensure we spend time together as a family.

My next resolution is to organise. I am a bit of an organiser; a sorter, tidier (but not very much of a cleaner). There is nothing I love more than the satisfaction of emptying a cupboard or drawer and clearing out all the rubbish, making a system that works better for our family, and adding a few labels. One of my ambitions this year is to take this passion outside to the farm. Do not get me wrong - I do not think my label maker will stand the test of the outdoors but a bit more organisation and care into our current farm set up could lead to a safer environment for our children. Win, win, right?

And finally, my last resolution is to spend more time enjoying the British countryside and trying to help improve it where possible. I love the outdoors and I want to pass that love onto the boys. And what better way to love the outdoors than to get out there more often.

Going to visit local woods, hunting for animals in the hedgerows around our fields and watching the birds fly by as we picnic and hot chocolate on fallen down trees. We did start to leave our own mark last year when we planted four fruit trees on one of our unusable banks. This year I want to add in more fruit trees and encourage the wild birds with feeders and houses. All great things for our tots to get involved in and see develop over the years to come.

There is a downside to January and that is the pressure. Everyone applies pressure to do things now, but achieving goals and changes to our life does not happen overnight, yet for some reason in January we go in full force. We can try to carry ten hay bales at once, but realistically if we carried one at a time it is much more manageable. I guess what I am trying to say is do not beat yourself up about it. Set goals if you want to, but if you do not, that is OK too. It does not matter if they take one week or twelve months to achieve, or even if that end goal changes.

With three tots I often find my plans are pushed aside, and I never achieve what I set out to.

I have to break things down into smaller chunks and celebrate each of those smaller wins.

And well, one of my biggest wins for January is just getting the whole gang outside, even if for a just five minutes. I feel parents all over the country will be having this challenge right now.

Outdoor gear - jumpers, waterproofs, wellies, hats, scarves, gloves, to name the essentials. With two toddlers and a newborn, I spend more hours in a day gearing and de-gearing than we actually do outside. It is so worth it and being outside is great for the soul but sometimes I do just think. I cannot wait for the sun. Bring on spring.