
Copy of Project Manager (Carneddau Landscape Partnership Scheme)

Project Manager (Carneddau Landscape Partnership Scheme)Snowdonia National Park Office, PenrhyndeudraethAre you a diplomatic person who can bring out the best in people and can work with partners and stakeholders from various sectors?Can you plan and manage work within the broader conservation context which gives people opportunities to participate, develop their skills and gain experiences?......

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Project Manager (Carneddau Landscape Partnership Scheme)
Snowdonia National Park Office, Penrhyndeudraeth

Are you a diplomatic person who can bring out the best in people and can work with partners and stakeholders from various sectors?

Can you plan and manage work within the broader conservation context which gives people opportunities to participate, develop their skills and gain experiences?

Are you a budgets wizard with experience of delivering complex schemes on time and to a high standard?

Is this you? Why not give it a go?

About Us

Snowdonia National Park Authority protects the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of Snowdonia National Park. Covering 823 miles of diverse landscape, the Park is home to over 26,000 people, the highest mountain in England and Wales and the largest natural lake in Wales.

Were keen to appoint an experienced, skilled and enthusiastic Project Manager to lead the Carneddau Landscape Partnership Project which runs from January 2020 - December 2025. This is an ambitious 4.2m scheme to discover, record, conserve and celebrate the natural and cultural heritage of a 220km square mile area around the Carneddau.

The Benefits

- Salary of 32,878 - 34,788 per annum
- Work in one of the UKs most beautiful sites
- Friendly and supportive environment
- Support the success of an exciting project

The Role

The Carneddau Landscape Partnership Scheme is a five year programme seeking to help conserve the threatened heritage of the Carneddau by increasing understanding and enjoyment of the cultural and natural heritage of the area across a wide range of communities, individuals and organisations. The Scheme has been made possible by the award of a National Lottery Heritage Fund Partnership Grant of 1,719,500. The total scheme cost is 4,170,800.

As the Project Manager, youll drive forward the delivery of the Carneddau Landscape Partnership Scheme and secure its legacy.

Leading a team of four, youll oversee the day-to-day delivery of the scheme, including budget management, tendering for contractors, administration and acting as the public face of the scheme.

About You

To join us as a Project Manager, you will need:

- The ability to communicate in both Welsh and English is essential
- A project or programme management qualification or relevant experience
- At least three years post-qualified experience in a relevant role
- Experience of managing large, multiple-funded programmes and delivering complex projects on budget and to deadline
- Team leadership and staff project management experience
- The ability to write strategies, project plans, funding applications and grant claims
- An understanding of the key principles of heritage management
- A good understanding of current landscape, natural resources, cultural heritage and access issues
- A degree (or equivalent) in a related discipline
- A full driving licence and access to a vehicle

Other organisations may call this role Project Delivery Manager, Programme Manager, Conservation Scheme Manager, or Programme Delivery Manager.

The closing date for applications is 10am on the 11th February 2020.

So, if youre seeking your next step as a Project Manager, please apply via the button shown. This vacancy is being advertised by Webrecruit. The services advertised by Webrecruit are those of an Employment Agency.

Rheolwr Prosiect (Cynllun Partneriaeth Tirwedd Carneddau)
Swyddfa Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri, Penrhyndeudraeth

Ydych chi'n berson diplomyddol syn medru tynnur gorau o bobl a gweithio gyda phartneriaid a rhanddeiliaid o wahanol sectorau?

Fedrwch chi gynllunio a rheoli gwaith o fewn y cyd-destun cadwraeth ehangach sy'n rhoi cyfleoedd i bobl gymryd rhan, datblygu eu sgiliau a meithrin profiadau?

Ydych chi'n ddewin cyllidebau sydd phrofiad o gyflawni cynlluniau cymhleth yn brydlon ac i safon uchel?

Ydych chin ateb y galw? Beth am roi cynnig arni?

Amdanom ni

Mae Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri yn gwarchod a gwella harddwch naturiol, bywyd gwyllt a threftadaeth ddiwylliannol Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri. Gan gwmpasu 823 milltir sgwr o dirwedd amrywiol, mae'r Parc yn gartref i dros 26,000 o bobl, y mynydd uchaf yng Nghymru a Lloegr a'r llyn naturiol mwyaf yng Nghymru.

Rydym yn awyddus i benodi Rheolwr Prosiect profiadol, medrus a brwdfrydig i arwain Prosiect Partneriaeth Tirwedd Carneddau sy'n weithredol rhwng Ionawr 2020 - Rhagfyr 2025. Mae hwn yn gynllun uchelgeisiol gwerth 4.2m i ddarganfod, cofnodi, gwarchod a dathlu'r treftadaeth naturiol a diwylliannol ardal 220km sgwr o amgylch y Carneddau.

Y Buddion

- Cyflog o 32,878 - 34,788 y flwyddyn
- Gweithio yn un o ardaloedd harddaf y DU
- Gweithio mewn amgylchedd cyfeillgar a chefnogol
- Cefnogi llwyddiant prosiect cyffrous

Y Rôl

Rhaglen bum mlynedd yw Cynllun Partneriaeth Tirwedd Carneddau sy'n ceisio helpu i warchod treftadaeth dan fygythiad y Carneddau trwy gynyddu dealltwriaeth a mwynhad o dreftadaeth ddiwylliannol a naturiol yr ardal ar draws ystod eang o gymunedau, unigolion a sefydliadau. Gwnaethpwyd y Cynllun yn bosibl trwy ddyfarniad grant Cynllun Partneriaeth Tirwedd o 1,719,500 gan Gronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol. Cyfanswm cost y cynllun yw 4,170,800.

Fel Rheolwr y Prosiect, byddwch yn gyrru Cynllun Partneriaeth Tirwedd Carneddau yn ei flaen ac yn sicrhau etifeddiaeth gadarn ar ei gyfer.

Gan arwain tîm o bedwar, byddwch yn goruchwylio gweithredur cynllun o ddydd i ddydd, gan gynnwys rheoli cyllidebau, tendro i gontractwyr, gweinyddu a gweithredu fel wyneb cyhoeddus y cynllun.

Amdanoch chi

I ymuno ni fel Rheolwr Prosiect, bydd angen i chi feddur rhinweddau canlynol:
- Y gallu hanfodol i gyfathrebu yn y Gymraeg ar Saesneg
- Cymhwyster rheoli prosiect neu raglen neu brofiad perthnasol
- O leiaf tair blynedd o brofiad ôl-gymhwysol mewn rôl berthnasol
- Profiad o reoli rhaglenni mawr, aml-gyllidol a chyflawni prosiectau cymhleth yn unol 'r gyllideb ar amserlen
- Profiad o arwain tîm a rheoli staff prosiectau
- Y gallu i ysgrifennu strategaethau, cynlluniau prosiect, ceisiadau cyllido a hawliadau grant
- Dealltwriaeth o egwyddorion allweddol rheoli treftadaeth
- Dealltwriaeth dda o'r dirwedd gyfredol, adnoddau naturiol, treftadaeth ddiwylliannol a materion mynediad
- Gradd (neu gyfwerth) mewn disgyblaeth gysylltiedig
- Trwydded yrru lawn a mynediad i gerbyd

Gall sefydliadau eraill alw'r rôl hon yn Rheolwr Cyflawni Prosiect, Rheolwr Rhaglen, Rheolwr Cynllun Cadwraeth, neu Reolwr Cyflawni Rhaglen.

Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau yw 10yb ar 11eg Chwefror 2020.

Felly, os ydych yn chwilio am eich cam nesaf fel Rheolwr Prosiect, cyflwynwch gais trwy'r botwm a ddangosir. Mae'r swydd wag hon yn cael ei hysbysebu gan Webrecruit. Y gwasanaethau a hysbysebir gan Webrecruit yw gwasanaethau Asiantaeth Gyflogaeth

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