Frosty mornings and darker days means winter is here - and Christmas is coming.
There is still plenty to do out in the countryside for those little farmers who want to get stuck in.
Winter wildlife
It may be cold out there, but there is still plenty to spot out in the countryside if you know what you are looking for. Remember to wrap up warm and take a notebook with you to document what you see!

Robins - these beautifully festive little birds are, for many, the sign of Christmas. How many can you spot?
Mammal tracks - do you know which are deer prints and which are fox prints? Animal tracks in the snow can help you identify what is out there this winter. The Woodland Trust have the perfect track guide to help you. Visit
Barn owls - the early evenings mean you might spot a barn owl hunting along the country roads.
Cosy book corner
Have you read all about Farmer Christmas?

Farmer Christmas is the hit children's picture book series following the adventures of Farmer Christmas as he delivers all the presents on Christmas Eve. The books, written by farmers daughter Catherine and illustrated by Devon based artist Sophie, use rhyming text and hand-painted images to bring the magic of a country Christmas to life for all ages.
"A merry Christmas and peace to all, from the festive farmyard big and small…"
Here is a special Q&A with Farmer Christmas himself!
Favourite farm animal: I simply could not choose! I love all of my farm animals - they even helped to pull my trailer full of presents once, when the tractor broke down on Christmas Eve. Everyone in the farmyard helps me get ready for Christmas Eve, from Horace the horse to Coraline the cow, Pip the pig, Sammy the sheep, and, of course, all of our chickens and ducks.
Favourite thing to eat for Christmas dinner: I love absolutely everything at Christmas dinner because Mrs Christmas is a magical cook! But I do especially love Brussels sprouts (yes, really!) and a big sticky Christmas pudding with lots of clotted cream. Yum yum!
Favourite tractor colour: Well, as you know, I drive a red tractor when I am delivering all the presents on Christmas Eve, but I do also have green, blue and yellow tractors that I use on my farm.
Favourite thing about Christmas: Delivering all the presents with my tractor and trailer on Christmas Eve, of course! I really love visiting all the different countries on my travels and making sure every stocking is full to the brim, before coming back to my little farm and having a hot chocolate (with cream and marshmallows) with Mrs Christmas and Rusty Robin.
Favourite thing about winter on the farm: Snow. I love it when it snows on the farm in winter, it makes all the fields sparkle like someone has covered them in glitter.
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Get growing
Since Íæż½ã½ã launched the Next Generation series, we have been giving you tips on what to grow each month. Winter harvest means you may now be able to use veggies you have grown - like carrots, winter squash and cabbage - in some yummy winter recipes. We would love to know if you are a mini veg grower! Send your pictures to [email protected]
Festive food facts
Mince pies - In the past, mince pies had real meat inside instead of just fruit like they do today!
Love sprouts? We eat that many Brussels sprouts at Christmas that the area required to grow them is as large as 3,000 football fields!
Turkey time - About 10 million turkeys are eaten at Christmas time!