
Simmental takes supreme title at Royal Norfolk Show

Visitors and exhibitors enjoyed the sunshine at Royal Norfolk Show where was a strong turnout of livestock

clock • 11 min read
Brandane Kirsty

Brandane Kirsty

It was the Simmental champion, Brandane Kirsty, which headed a strong inter-breed line-up to claim the supreme beef title, after being crowned continental champion, at Royal Norfolk Show. The five-year-old cow by Sterling Gino, exhibited by Marcus Searle, Kenninghall, was on its second outing of the season after having been inter-breed champion at Suffolk Show. Bred by Jimmy McMillan and bought from him last year, it was shown with its heifer calf by Woodhall Ferrari and in-calf again to the same sire.

Standing reserve was the native and Beef Shorthorn champion, four-year-old Podehole Rita Petunia from the Horrell family, Peterborough, which had a bull calf at foot by Stonehil Revelation and is in-calf again. The daughter of Knockenjig Hercules was breed champion at the Royal Highland Show in 2023 and breed champion at Rutland this year.  

The judge, Phillipa Owens, Herefordshire, said the champion and reserve were both outstanding big cows which were great on their legs with good udders and were doing a good job of rearing their calves.

Podehole Rita Petunia

The overall junior championship went to the Charollais champion, Drumshane Urbangirl, a February 2023-born heifer by Elgin Oliver from Darren Knox, Nayland.

Drumshane Urbangirl

In the commercial section champion and reserve went to the Lyon family, Bourne, with the home-bred heifers, Lindy and Bella, out of British Blue cross cows and both by the Limousin bull, Ironstone Hornblower.

Jonathan and Trevor Lyon with commercial champion and reserve


The dairy inter-breed title went to the Jersey champion, Moonshine Response Java, a sixth calver by Verbatim Response from Ben Etteridge, Bury St Peter, which had been breed champion at the show twice before, but was on its first outing this season.

Moonshire Response Jave

The Holstein champion, Porlingland Grey 42, a February 2020-born heifer by Wilder Dalliance on its first outing, having calved in November, from C.R. Cawston, Woodton, claimed reserve.

The judge, Ian Collins, West Yorkshire said: "It is the most beautiful framed dairy animal and its ease of locomotion for a senior cow gave it the advantage over the Holstein which was a quality heifer with a lovely udder."


In the sheep rings the supreme title went to the Charollais champion, a 2022-born ewe from Rachael Eayrs and Will Abram, Dereham. By Bincombe Warrior, it was bought from Carol and Geoff Watson's Sulwood flock last year and has already been inter-breed champion at Suffolk Show this season.
The couple also took the Blue Texel breed championship with a ewe lamb from their Beetley flock.

In reserve was the Jacob champion, Wenham Pict, a 2021-born home-bred ram from Charlie and David Coe, Ipswich, giving them their biggest success to date at the show.

The judge, Clive Roads, Worcestershire, said: "The champion is an outstanding sheep which caught my eye straight away. It has great presence and handled very well.

"The reserve is a very striking tup, again with great presence and style."


 Malcolm Hicks, Balsall Common, took both the champion and reserve rosettes in the pig inter-breed. Taking the top spot was his modern champion, Poplarburn Champion Lady 23, a July 2023-born Large White gilt.

Poplarburn Champion Lady 23

His reserve was the traditional champion, Windmill Bluebell 30, an August 2020-born Gloucestershire Old Spot sow which had been breed champion at Bath and West Show and reserve inter-breed at Lincolnshire Show.

The judge, Chris Impey, Mid Glamorgan, said: "The champion is a beautiful clean pig which walks well and has tremendous length and conformation on the backend and is what we are looking for in breeding females to go on for a long time."

Windmill Bluebell 30



Inter-breed (Judge, I. Collins, West Yorkshire) Supreme, B. Etteridge, Moonshire Response Java (Jersey); reserve, C.R. Cawston, Poringland Grey 42 (Holstein).

Holstein (B. Tomlinson, Leicestershire) C.R. Cawston, Poringland Grey 42; res. C.R. Cawston, Poringland Bracelet 66.

Ayrshire (B. Tomlinson) Sup., Harry's Ayrshires, Marshview B-King Stella 4; res., Harry's Ayrshires, Holmeswood Creepy Monica.

Jersey (B. Tomlinson) Sup., B. Etteridge, Moonshine Response Java; res., C. Bolderston, Boldstar Tornado Festivity.


Inter-breed (Judge, P. Owens, Herefordshire) Sup. and sup. continental fem., M. Searle, Brandane Kirsty (Simmental); res. and native fem., C. Horrell, Podehole Rita Petunia (Beef Shorthorn); res. continental fem. and sup. junior, D. Knox, Drumshane Urbangirl (Charolais); res. native fem, H. Williamson, Coneygarth Nancy C299 (Lincoln Red); sup. junior native and res. sup. junior, Newtoncroft Farms, Newtoncroft 1 Aintree (Hereford); res. junior native, Iken Hall Farms, Meonside Catriona Rosebud (Beef Shorthorn); res. junior continental, R. Greenham, Boars Head Nelly 16 (Simmental); sup. native male, P.R.J. and L.R. Vincent, Pulham 1 Achilles (Hereford); res. native male, L. Oakes, Ricketstown Playboy (Beef Shorthorn).

Aberdeen-Angus (J. Playfair-Hannay, Roxburghshire) Sup. and fem., R. Mawer and E. Benge, Embrook Priceless Z144; res. and res. fem., J. Graves, Gladstone Miss Essence; male, M. Haistead, Wyddial Eric; res. male, J. Graves, Gladstone Duke Wilbur.

Beef Shorthorn (T. Richardson, Lancashire) Sup. and fem., C. Horrell, Podehole Rita Petunia; res. and res. fem., Iken Hall Farms, Meonside Catriona Rosebud; male, L. Oakes, Ricketstown Playboy; res. male, C. Horrell, Podehole Tradition.

Belted Galloway (W. Wilcocks, Devon) Sup. and fem., B.J. and R.I. Burgess-Smith, Blackthorn Zara; res. and male, M. Robinson, Millbrook Arnie; res. fem., S. Morter, Mourneview Gail; res. male, M. Robinson, Gruige Orpheus.

British White (D. Bull, Dumfriesshire) Sup. and fem., V. St Joseph, Tollesbury Tahiti; res. and male, V. St Joseph, Tollesbury Pythagoras; res. fem., S. Cook, Alcroft Beetle; res. male, S. Cook, Alcroft Panther.

Any other beef breed (D. Bull) Sup. and fem., B. Allsop, Rosebank Pepper Pot (British Blonde); res. fem., J. Crane, Fenland Kirsty (Murray Grey); male, N. Darling, Blue Cedar Utopia; res., sup. I. Stephen, Wretton Xamira.

Dexter (J. Hunt, Berkshire) Sup. and male, R. Creighton, Tannslane Terminator; res. and fem., J. Angel, Milldown Jasmine; res. fem., R. Creighton, Endway Viola.

Hereford (D. Sapsed, Hertfordshire) Sup. and fem., B. Hutchinson, Harvey Bros Crocus Ariel; res. and male, P.R.J. and L.R. Vincent, Pulham 1 Achilles; res. fem., J. Spiers, Pepperstock 1 Blossom W869; res. male, Newtoncroft Farms 1 Aintree.  

Highland (R. Wain, Derbyshire) Sup. and fem., S. Tedbury, Garnit 2 of Hardham; res. and res. fem., I. Rainey, Elizabeth 28 of April.

Lincoln Red (K. Jackson, South Yorkshire) Sup. and fem. H. Williamson, Coneygarth Nancy C299; res. and male, Greenheath Farming, Wretton Clayton; res. fem., B. Holden Toft Hill Gift C3; res. male, R.I. Clough and Son, Beverley Bestmate.

Red Poll (R. Hartshorn, Shropshire) Sup. and fem., Farmer Barnes Butchery, Hopeham Nova Star; res. and res. fem., Farmer Barnes Butchery, Hopeham Magdalen; male, Farmer Barns Butchery, Hopeham Liviticus.

South Devon (C.J. Edwards, Devon) Sup. and fem., M. Roberts, Chipden Eva 4; res. and male, A. Kendle, Tregondale Alfie 3; res. fem., C. Hanton, Chipden Eva 5; res. male, Benacre Company, Welland Valley Benacre Charlemagne.

Sussex (D. Masters, Kent) Sup. and male, J. Howard, Coopers Poll Regent 3; res. and fem., Chandler and Dunn, Goldstone Lofty Lily 62; res. male, Wakeham-Dawson and Harmers, Offham Crusader 4; res. fem., Montreal Estate, Montreal Duke 7.

British Blue (E. Wilson, North Yorkshire) Sup. and fem., J. and W. Waight, Witham Bank Syco; res. and res. fem., T. Lyon, Maes Sexy Spice; male, L. Todd, Torrington Toddy; res. male, J.R. Kent and Son, Mendham Supersonic.

Commercial (E. Wilson) Sup. T. Lyon, Lindy; res. T. Lyon, Bella.

Charolais (R. Lawrence, Warwickshire) Sup. and fem., D. Knox, Drumshane Urbangirl; res. and res. fem., Wissington Charolais, Wissington Topwoman; male, P. Germany, Hautbois Unionjack.

Limousin (R. Lawrence) Sup. and fem., Barwood and Padfield, Glenrock Ursula; res. and res. fem., S. Drury, Cinderhill Tinkerbell; male, S. Drury, Cinderhill Upperclass.

Simmental (C. Martindale, Shropshire) Sup. and fem., M. Searle, Brandane Kirsty; res. and res. fem., P.A. and S.M. Cade, Cade Fifi's Nala; male, P. Gunther, Fircovert Nigel; res. male, R.E. and S.H.W. Steggles, Wacton Peroni.


Inter-breed (Judge, C. Roads, Worcestershire) Sup., W.J. Abram and R.J. Eayrs (Charollais); res. C.A. Coe and Son (Jacob).

Suffolk (M. Bulmer, North Yorkshire) Sup. and male, res. and fem., res. male and res. fem., K. Titmus.

Blue Texel (D. Gray, Selkirk) Sup. and fem. and res. male,  W.J. Abram and R.J. Eayrs; res. and res. fem. and male, R. Mawer and E. Benge.

Texel (D. Gray) Sup. and fem. and res. and male, J. Robb; res. fem. and res. male, R. Creighton.

 Hampshire Down (L. Heywood, Somerset) Sup. and male and res. fem., A. Byford; res. and fem and res. male, S. and J. Dilibero.

 Jacob (A. Gilbert, Devon) Sup. and male and res. male, C.A. Coe and Son; res. and fem. and res. fem., G. Christian.                              

Lincoln Longwool (H. Fussey, Lincolnshire) Sup. and fem., res. and male and res. fem., C.A. Coe and Son, res. male, J. Hird.

Norfolk Horn (T. Dodson, Norfolk) Sup. and male, R. Crowter; res. and fem. S. Leithall; res. male, D. Cassie; res. fem., Wretton Norfolk Horns.

Southdown (P. Humphrey, Sussex) Sup. and male and res. fem., A. Readhead-Higgins; res. and fem. and res. male, Sargent, Wakeham-Dawson and Harmer.

 Coloured Ryeland (C. Bateman, Brecknockshire) Sup. and fem. and res. male, J. Stone; res. and male, M. Varmen; res. fem., R. Cook.

 Greyface Dartmoor (A. Willcocks, Devon) Sup. and res. male, A. Collins, male, B. Atkinson;  fem. and res. fem. B. Chapman.

 Kerry Hill (T. Ward, Shropshire) Sup. and fem., Glenariff Pedigree Livestock; res. and male and res. male, A. Fisher; res. fem., H. Glover.

 Shetland (C. Muddiman, Buckinghamshire) Sup. and male and res. and fem. D. King; res. male and res. fem., J. Preston.

 Border Leicester (M. Steel, Ayrshire) Sup. and male and res. and fem., B. Lugsden; res. male and res. fem., A. Hodges.

 Any other British longwool breed (E. Bainbridge, North Yorkshire) Sup. and fem. and res. male, S. Holdich (Wensleydale); res. and male, M. Starkings (British Galway); res. fem., B. Evans (Leicester Longwool).

Any other British down breed (L. Heywood)  Sup. and fem., Sargent, Wakeham-Dawson and Harmer; res. and res. fem. and res. male, H. Lugsden (Poll Dorset); male, J. and S. Dilibero.

Any other primitive breed (J. Holden-Wilde, Lancashire) Sup. and fem., D. Cassie (Hebridean); res. and res. fem., M. Ballard (Castlemilk Moorit); male, B. Pearson, Castlemilk Moorit; res. male, B. Coventry (Soay).

Any other native breed (E. Bainbridge) Sup. and male, res. and fem. and res. fem., N. Whitehead (Lleyn); res. male, G. Sprake (Lleyn).

 Any other continental breed (T. Prentice, Suffolk) Sup. and fem. and res. male, W. Abram (Carollais); res. and male and res. fem., G. and C. Watson (Charollais).

Commercial lambs (T. Prentice) Sup., Hilgay Livestock; res., J. Hird.


Inter-breed (Judge, C. Impey, Mid Glamorgan) Sup. and sup. modern, M. Hicks, Poplarburn Champion Lady 23 (Large White); res. and sup. traditional, M. Hicks, Windmill Bluebell 30 (Glocester Old Spot); res. modern, S. Roberts and J. Fairclough, Raisinhall Anna 27 (Hampshire); res. traditional, O. Giles, Tedfold Fair Lady 400 (Middle White).

 All breeds (T. Schofield, Lincolnshire)

Middle White – Sup. and fem., O. Giles, Tedfold Fair Lady 400; male, O. Giles, Tedfold Mischief 410; res. fem., M. Naylor, Brontegold Silk.

Large Black – Sup. and male, P.E. Churchyard, Breckles Attempt 23; res. and fem., K. Cullington, Broccwood Diana; res. male, K. Cullington, Broccwood Attempt 2; res. fem., P.E. Churchyard, Breccles Grandeur 28.

British Saddleback – Sup. and fem., P. and D.J. Foster, Twindale Ivy; res. and male, K. Cullington, Broccwood Walter; res. fem., F. Shreeve, Kingscottage Fidra 4; res. male, A. Long, Grand Duke.

Gloucestershire Old Spot – Sup. and fem., M. Hicks, Windmill Bluebell 30; res. and male, M. Hicks, Windmill Gerald 59; res. fem., M. Hicks, Windmill Princess 72; res. male, T. Cook, Millfields Rufus.

Berkshire – Sup. and male, J. Tiley, Fernlea Namatjira 3; res. and fem., M. Keymar, Tentrees Stonebow; res. male, M. Keymer, Tentrees Namatjira; res. fem., J. Tiley, Fernlea Farewell 4.

Oxford Sandy and Black – Sup. and fem., J. Farrell, Nightingale Gloria 17; res. and male, J. Farrell, Nightingale Jack 4; res. fem., J. Farrell, Nightingale Clarissa 11; res. male, J. Farrell, Nightingale Alexander 3.

Welsh – Sup. and fem., D. Cullington, Siskin Theresa 59; res. and male, Wakeham-Dawson and Harmer, Offham Earl 3; res. fem., D. Finch, Siskin Theresa 60; res. male, K. Cullington, Broccwood Ivor 2.

Hampshire and Duroc – Sup. and fem., S. Roberts and J. Fairclough, Raisinhall Anna 27 (Hampshire); res. and male, O. Giles, Tedfold Hulk 195 (Duroc); res. fem., S. Roberts and J. Fairclough, Raisinhall Anna 28 (Hampshire); res. male, S. Roberts and J. Fairclough, Raisinhall Peterbilt 10 (Hampshire).

Any other modern breed – Sup. and fem., P. and D.J. Foster, Twindale Pauline 17 (Pietrain); res. and male, S. Roberts and J. Fairclough, Raisinhall Merry (Pietrain); res. fem., S. Roberts and J. Fairclough, Raisinhall Renate 20 (Pietrain). 






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