Cumbrian farmer Alistair Mackintosh has taken over the role of Red Tractor chair from Christine Tacon, who stepped down to 'avoid perceived conflicts' following her appointment to the Co-op board
A new state-of-the-art lameness detection device designed to visualize daily changes to hoof health, provide early detection of any potential issues and in turn, enable dairy farmers to make the earliest treatment has been launched by automatic footbath specialists Hoofcount
The findings of the UK's largest survey of dairy cow mobility and foot health highlights there is still a significant opportunity to reduce the economic, welfare, social and environmental consequences of compromised mobility
The incoming chief executive will adopt the role in a challenging climate, with increased scrutiny on the agency to effectively deal with multiple disease threats facing farming
The Environment Agency said they had listened to concerns and will hold application charges for sheep dip disposal at the current rate of £2,708
On a recent AHDB webinar, industry experts discussed the current bluetongue situation in the UK and the outlook on vaccination
Research has shown heat stress at any point during the dry period can affect the lifetime performance and productivity of the developing foetus
Heat stress is one of the most challenging stressors on dairy cow production, compromising milk yield and quality and overall profitability
Seymour Stevens Limited is a mixed beef and arable farm in Faversham, Kent
For the Bayley family, changes to the accommodation for their housed herd of cows was made necessary after issues with heat stress in 2022