The government is considering voluntary plans for supermarkets to introduce price caps on basic food items such as bread and milk
Íæż½ã½ã must change their mindset and focus on the ‘economics of the farm', or risk an ‘unsustainable and unviable future', a consultant warns
Establishing a series of on-farm trials has helped one Yorkshire farmer better understand the behaviour of slugs in a bid to tackle burdens in a post-metaldehyde era. Charlotte Cunningham reports.
Simon Nelson advises farmers on a wide range of arable and forage crops across Cumbria, north Lancashire and into south west Scotland. He has worked for Agrovista for 23 years.
Crop it Like it’s Hot is produced by Arable Farming and The CropTec Show. It aims to provide an alternative way of keeping up with agronomy and arable developments.