NFU president Tom Bradshaw said while the NFU response to the UK farm assurance review covers ‘some of the benefits' that assurance schemes offer, it also explains the ‘inescapable issues' that must be addressed
The UK harvested the third smallest wheat crop in 40 years
Tenant Íæż½ã½ã Association said it had been given reassurances from a senior Defra official last week that a decision was imminent
Released as the largest tractor Claas has ever produced, the Xerion 12 enters the market against some established competition.
"It has been a living hell for our family"
ECIU said months of significant rainfall has reduced the wheat harvest by almost a fifth
Prices of fertiliser have historically followed natural gas prices, with AHDB warning prices may start to rise if the increase in gas prices continues
Each agricultural contractor operates an enterprise in the UK, either through mainstream services or niches in a particular sector
Tom Porter has developed a new app, AgriAudit, with the ambition to 'reduce farmers anxieties around audits'
This week's opinion from throughout the world of agriculture: Farmer and former lecturer at Myerscough College - George Parkinson