NFU deputy president, Tom Bradshaw said the industry was ‘seeing austerity in action', adding APHA were doing everything it could within its budget, but Government must give them better resources
It was argued APHA had wrongly interpreted the law underpinning its compensation scheme and failed to properly compensate affected farmers for birds, which were healthy at the point at which it decided they should be culled
Government says proposed changes will reduce the pressure on industry during an avian influenza outbreak
UK's Chief Veterinary Officer, Dr Christine Middlemiss said there was not any evidence to demonstrate it was a ‘circulating virus', with all the infections being incursion of infected midges
Dr Richard Irvine, who started the role in March 2023, said an expected assessment of the bTB target next year will serve as a ‘formal checkpoint' and an opportunity to ‘take stock' on the issue
A 3km protection zone and a 10km surveillance zone have been declared
Despite the current incidence of Avian Influenza in the UK being lower than this time last year, poultry keepers are still being warned to be on high alert for the disease.
On Tuesday (October 24), the EFRA Committee will question Therese Coffey MP on the implementation of Environmental Land Management schemes, risks from avian flu, possible poultry vaccination and the 'serious difficulties facing tenant farmers'
The game shooting community is being asked to prioritise high levels of biosecurity measures and ensure there is critical defence set up against the disease
On this weeks Over the Farm Gate podcast livestock reporter, Katie Fallon talks to the UKs Chief Veterinary Officer, Christine Middlemiss, after housing measures for bird keepers in England were lifted this week.