Tenant Íæż½ã½ã Association said they had asked the Treasury if it knew how many APR/BPR claims were made from landlords with multiple tenancies, and was told it could not provide the data
NFU president Tom Bradshaw said the situation around Inheritance Tax changes will be only be resolved by sitting down with the Chancellor Rachel Reeves ‘but at the moment she is refusing to meet with us'
"There will be a need for a rapid and concerted effort from the leaders in the rural and farming sectors to hold the Government to account on ensuring that the gulf between urban and rural support does not become even wider"
Jeremy Moody, secretary and advisor to Central Association of Agricultural Valuers said the Government's claim that only quarter of farms will be impacted by Inheritance Tax changes ‘misses half of the picture and so understates the effects of the change'
The event is separate to the NFU's lobby being held on the same day, but organisers stressed the events were 'complimentary' and not in competition with one another
The mass lobby on November 19 is now at full capacity. Íæż½ã½ã who have not already registered for the event are warned not to travel down to London and told there will be another opportunity to make their voices heard
Industry experts start to unpick what the changes to Inheritance Tax (IHT) reliefs mean for the farming sector
The Íæż½ã½ã news team give their analysis of the Chancellor's Budget
The CLA is asking farmers and rural businesses to sign a letter which will be forwarded to MPs
Ahead of next week's parliament-defining budget, speculation has been mounting about whether the Government will scrap or cap agricultural property relief (APR) and business property relief (BPR)