Company looks to higher welfare standards to boost dividends, says chief executive
In today's Farming in Five, chief reporter Rachael Brown reports on the Farming Minister's comments that agriculture is low in the Government's 'pecking order' and 'the Budget is the Budget' and the focus must now be on getting the sector on a ‘proper, sustainable, business-like footing', and restaurant chain Nando's is to conduct an independent audit of its chicken suppliers after it was accused of ‘killing' the River Wye by green campaign groups
Campaign groups and celebrities accuse restaurant chain of 'killing our rivers'
Defra has also announced new housing measures in York, North Yorkshire and Shropshire
It is now a legal requirement for all birdkeepers within the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) to follow ‘strict biosecurity measures' to help protect their flocks, of whatever type or size
The High Court has dismissed an appeal by the Humane League on claims the Defra Secretary was acting ‘unlawfully’ in allowing so-called ‘fast-growing chickens’
The supermarket has also introduced new stocking density requirements for its fresh chickens, aimed at improving their quality life
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The project, led by APHA, will collect and analyse samples from a range of bird and mammal populations to better understand how the virus behaves
Amends to existing legislation means free-range eggs can continue to be labelled as such during mandatory housing measures, a move Defra said would cut ‘unnecessary red tape and costs for British producers'