Defra said the new approach will use a 'data-led and scientific approach to end the badger cull by the end of this parliament'
Norwich Livestock Market has confirmed sheep sales will be cancelled on Saturday (August 31) due to recent cases of bluetongue
The new BTV-3 Government framework sets out how disease control efforts will focus on movement control of susceptible animals and their germinal products as a precautionary tool to stem spread of the disease, until a safe and effective vaccine
National Pig Association chief executive Lizzie Wilson told visitors to the Pig and Poultry Fair in Birmingham that worrying amounts of illegally imported pigmeat being seized at the Port of Dover increased the UK's exposure to ASF
Counties along the south and east coasts of England, including Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Kent, and Sussex, are considered 'most likely to be impacted'
Last season brought devastating BYDV impacts for one Exeter-based farming family, prompting them to look seriously into trial work around viable genetic defence options.
The plans will be subjected to a five-week consultation and would look to retain badger culling as an option in targeted parts only of the high-risk area and edge areas including much of southwest and central England
Two years of farm trials have convinced Norfolk farm manager Michael Wilton that Iblon, Bayer's new broad-spectrum fungicide, has the scope to simplify the existing T1 regime and deliver the expected protection
Yellow rust is increasingly posing a threat to wheat crops in traditionally wetter regions in the west of the UK