NFU vice president and tenant farmer Rachel Hallos said the tenanted sector was in a ‘very precarious' position in the current climate, and that the Tenant Farming Commissioner must be put in position imminently
The Sturdy family are waiting to hear the outcome of an appeal hearing which could result in around half of their arable farm being taken out of production for a solar farm. The Sturdy family's landlord is the FitzWilliam Trust Corporation. Ms Sturdy has claimed that one of its six trustees, Lady Helena Rees-Mogg, is the wife of Sir Jacob
Tenant Íæż½ã½ã Association said they had asked the Treasury if it knew how many APR/BPR claims were made from landlords with multiple tenancies, and was told it could not provide the data
How could the Budget affect tax and estate planning?
Industry experts start to unpick what the changes to Inheritance Tax (IHT) reliefs mean for the farming sector
The Íæż½ã½ã news team give their analysis of the Chancellor's Budget
What do you think of Labour's budget? How does it impact your farm? Share your reaction with us
TFA chief executive George Dunn said: "Short-term and restrictive tenancies are holding back progression, investment and sustainable land use. We can change this situation with reform of APR. However, serious damage will be caused if the Chancellor takes a knee-jerk, abolitionist approach"
In a joint letter to the Chancellor, farming unions warned how changes to APR could have a significant impact on tenant farmers, family farms, domestic food security and environmental delivery
The Defra Secretary Steve Reed and the Farming Minister Daniel Zeichner have also been invited to attend the political session