Efra chair Alistair Carmichael said the Defra Secretary and the Farming Minister should be the ‘voice of farmers within Government but they are clearly not being listened to' over the family farm tax
This week from Rachael Brown, Íæż½ã½ã chief reporter
In today's Farming in Five, chief reporter Rachael Brown reports on the Farming Minister's comments that agriculture is low in the Government's 'pecking order' and 'the Budget is the Budget' and the focus must now be on getting the sector on a ‘proper, sustainable, business-like footing', and restaurant chain Nando's is to conduct an independent audit of its chicken suppliers after it was accused of ‘killing' the River Wye by green campaign groups
Farming Minister Daniel Zeichner told farmers at the Norfolk Farming Conference ‘the Budget is as the Budget is' and it was not going to change
Treasury urged to work together to consider whether its IHT policy could be 'recalibrated' and a 'few tweaks' could be made to both support family farms and close loopholes to maintain pressure on 'landbankers'
Cheshire Young Íæż½ã½ã' Club discussed how rural isolation can have a deep impact on the health and wellbeing of farmers
Íæż½ã½ã's Chief Reporter Rachael Brown discusses the Farming Minister's latest appearance as a guest speaker on a webinar hosted by Tenant Íæż½ã½ã Association
Speaking at a webinar hosted by the Tenant Íæż½ã½ã Association (TFA), Farming Minister Daniel Zeichner said a key theme from the debate around Agricultural Property Relief (APR) reform was the ‘low level of returns' among farm businesses
"57% say they trust Labour less as a result of the Inheritance Tax decision and nearly a quarter of Labour voters say they are now unhappy about the way they voted at the General Election"
Last week's Budget has brought succession and the transition of family assets to the forefront of everyone's minds, with considerable fear of potential Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax bills