Íæż½ã½ã in England are reminded of the spreading restrictions on urea fertilisers beyond April 1, 2025 and applying protected urea, instead of untreated urea or ammonium nitrate, will offer both environmental and economic advantages
Natural gas prices were likely to filter through to fertiliser markets
Early trials show promise across water and nutrient use
Prices of fertiliser have historically followed natural gas prices, with AHDB warning prices may start to rise if the increase in gas prices continues
Defra-funded project aims to not only improve growers' profit margins, but also reduce air pollution
New tool uses satellite mapping to calculate input applications
The latest fertiliser prices including domestic and imported AN and granular urea.
Product shown to increase crop growth and microbial life
Ian farms in partnership with his family near Knutsford, Cheshire. They manage 700 commercial pedigree Holstein/Friesians on 445 hectares (1,100 acres). Replacements are homereared and cows are on a composite system. Ian is a representative for Sainsbury’s Dairy Development Group and sits on the AHDB Genetics Advisory Forum