Welsh farmers pleaded with Rural Affairs Minister, Lesley Griffiths at NFU Cymru conference to fight their corner and provide stability for future funding
All eyes are now on the Welsh Government to continue the stability of payments for Welsh farmers going forward. Future financial certainty being questioned now more than ever following the cuts made to the rural affairs budget
Many farmers have welcomed the straightforward nature of the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) but criticised the limited information given beyond the first payment
Chief executive of the Welsh Dee Trust has warned ‘drawn out discussions' between tenants and landlords on who needs to pay for changes, means action to tackle pollution on-farm is often delayed
Welsh farmers still have little knowledge of what the payment rates would be for the new interim Habitat Wales Scheme. The new scheme is due to replace Glastir area-based payments on January 1, 2024
NFU Cymru wants the Welsh Government and Westminster to commit to providing long term funding arrangements which reflect the modern day cost to Welsh farmers of producing food, enhancing the environment and tackling climate change
Water business Anglian Water is working with farming communities across the region to support healthy soils for the benefit of future cropping, the environment and protection of the region’s waterways
The chief executive of Organic Íæż½ã½ã & Growers believed organic growers could receive up to a 50 per cent increase compared to historic BPS rates
The hub is aimed at supporting farmers in making it easier to find funding opportunities and advice to help develop sustainable farming practices on-farm
Íæż½ã½ã are offered additional time to complete their Countryside Stewardship 2024 applications, as long as applications were started by 15 September