Often thought of as a tickbox exercise to conform with regulatory requirements, investing in a detailed nutrient plan can deliver significant benefits for dairy and livestock producers, with new technology now set to make the task significantly easier
The aim for beef and arable farmer, Jimi Collis and his herd manager Matt House is to find the ‘business sweet spot' by balancing output and profit with increasing biodiversity
Undersowing grass into maize has many benefits, from improving soil health to maximising land use
This year, in a break from tradition, the Gold Cup Open Day will see Bisterne Farms showcasing how their, low-input, grass-based, cross-bred herd took the win, highlighting how their focus and performance has resulted in them being victorious
Growers who signed up for herbal leys as one of the 23 options from the 2023 Sustainable Farming Initiative programme should seek advice on the suitability of mixtures being sold as ‘SAM3 compatible
High rainfall and saturated fields mean the timing of slurry application and first-cut silage will be a challenge for many grassland farmers this year
The recent Rootstock conference, held in Devon, looked at how farmers could build sustainable, profitable businesses in tune with natural processes
Grazing livestock are often an integral part of regenerating our land, but good grassland management is key. Jez Fredenburgh reports.