The sale of 80 pedigree Limousin bulls at Carlisle topped at 38,000gns to average £8,214 with a 73 per cent clearance rate
Reports and photos from sales around the UK
A new centre record of 10,000gns was set at the sale of dairy bulls on behalf of the Border and Lakeland Holstein Club at Carlisle
Highlights from some of this week's sales
A round up of reports and photos from some livestock sales from the last week
Trade reached unprecedented levels at the show and sale of continental cross store cattle at Carlisle, peaking at £12,000
A young farmer from Cumbria has achieved her dream of owning her own flock and is rapidly gaining a reputation as a breeder of Dutch Spotted sheep. Sarah Alderton went to meet her.
Galloway Cattle Society sale saw bulls top at 13,000gns three times
The dispersal of the Procters and Tatham Hall flocks of Texels and Beltex at Carlisle on behalf of Procters Farm, Wennington, topped at 9,000gns