The National Sheep Association ( NSA) warns a rise in behavioural issues in pet dogs bought during the pandemic could be linked to a spike in sheep worrying
The government is considering voluntary plans for supermarkets to introduce price caps on basic food items such as bread and milk
Íæż½ã½ã must change their mindset and focus on the ‘economics of the farm', or risk an ‘unsustainable and unviable future', a consultant warns
The animal welfare bill, designed to help protect livestock from out of control dogs, and defend pets and wild animals will no longer go ahead, Farming Minister Mark Spencer has announced
Defra has announced a new funding commitment to upland farm businesses
Welsh Government is leaving it to us to take ‘all the responsibility' for the welfare of farmers when it comes to the impact of bovine TB, says charity.
NFU Cymru with the help of its farmers are live streaming food and farming lessons to schools across Wales from next month
A lack of communication and little willingness to negotiate from the landlord are pitfalls of insecure Farm Business Tenancies (FBTs). A Surrey farming family are now searching for a new home for their pedigree jersey herd after 17 years.
Welsh farming unions have joined the British Veterinary Association (BVA) in welcoming the news that the use of Approved Tuberculin Testers (ATTs) in private practice in Wales has been given the go-ahead.