A public consultation is seeking views on changing livestock feed controls currently prohibiting animal protein from being fed to farmed animals in England and Wales
Industry leaders from across agriculture shared their hopes for the sector in 2025, and the challenges that lie ahead over the next 12 months
NFU president Tom Bradshaw said without a ‘resolution’ on Inheritance Tax, the issue is likely to continue to ‘hang over the industry’ in 2025, preventing British agriculture moving forward
A spokesperson for National Pig Association said ongoing discussion between the assurance body and members was needed and that new requirements should not only be evidence based 'but also financially assessed and feasible'
Defra estimated an ASF outbreak could cost the UK between £10 million to £100 million
Former National Pig Association senior policy adviser Charlie Dewhirst said it would not require a huge swing for the Conservatives to be the Party of Government at the next election
Tom Haynes, the National Pig Association's senior policy adviser, has analysed how farming and rural seats have changed following the General Election
The Norfolk MP says activists should not be allowed to stop people 'enjoying a bacon sandwich'
It is a deal estimated to be worth around £12 million to the pig sector over the first five years of trade
There was an air of cautious optimism at the Pig and Poultry Fair, held at the NEC Birmingham for the first time, but industry leaders warned of many challenges ahead