Richard Longthorp said boxing has helped mitigate the symptoms of Parkinson's disease
NFU deputy president, Tom Bradshaw said the industry was ‘seeing austerity in action', adding APHA were doing everything it could within its budget, but Government must give them better resources
Former Defra Secretary said it was important the new T-levels provide options which are relevant to jobs and careers in different parts of the country
MPs begged for help to redress balance in supply chain
Proposition 12 bans the sale of pork meat produced with gestation crates
The National Pig Association has called for all non-commercial meat imports to be made illegal
Lack of borders at UK ports poses real threat to animal welfare, say sector leaders
Defra said the bill would not have been possible had the UK remained a member of the European Union
Familiar names took the top honours in the cattle and pig judging at this years Royal Welsh Winter Fair, but there were first time wins in the sheep lines
A year ago we arrived in Exmoor with a threeweek-old baby and an 18-month-old toddler, not really knowing anyone and not quite sure what we were going to do