HSE has asked the UK potato sector to demonstrate compliance with a tMRL to address contamination of untreated potatoes in stores where sprout suppressant CIPC was previously used.
The UK potato crop is expected be one of the smallest on record this year
Pre-Brexit, Scotland sold an estimated 22,000 tonnes of seed potatoes to European customers
Belgium’s potato industry is investing in more processing outside the country, partly to satisfy demand from the UK
The Canary Islands have imposed a ban on all UK seed and ware potato imports following the discovery of Colorado beetles in Kent and Hampshire over the summer.
Agri-tech research and development business B-hive is embarking on a new collaboration aiming to reduce the risk of potato bruising and reduce supermarket wasteÂ
Growers in the EU are were reported to be desperate for Scottish seed
Climatic weather patterns and this year's challenging potato season have significantly increased the risks of alternaria.
Crop protection manufacturers issue best practice guidance to maximise the effect of maleic hydrazide this season