This month, Roger Evans tells us about his recent health 'MOT' and an appointment at the hospital
This month, Roger Evans discusses cheap food, recounts a tale about horse thefts and gives his thoughts on the debate around the right to die legislation
This month, Roger Evans discusses who is buying farms in his area, food security and the use of metric measurements for length and area
Roger Evans, award winning writer and Dairy Farmer columnist, discusses how he came to start writing in Dairy Farmer
The big story since I last wrote has to be the decline in the number of dairy farmers. Just to put it into some sort of perspective, when we started First Milk I think we had 3,500 members
This month Roger Evans gives his views on Welsh Government and discusses the recent farming protests, bovine TB, trees and speed limits
This month Roger Evans discusses after dinner speaking, water pollution and tells a tale of how a farmer got the better of the tax man
Roger Evans discusses the wearing of shorts, health and safety on farms and profiteering by supermarkets