Rob Black said often tenants make assumptions of their landlords and vice versa. He said there was a need for more ‘genuine conversations’ encouraging landlords and tenants to ‘sit down and talk to each other’
Liberal Democrat MP for North East Fife, Wendy Chamberlain, accused the Government of failing to consider the impact of its proposed IHT changes on Scottish tenant farmers, despite raising the problem ‘four times in the last three months'
In today's Farming in Five, chief reporter Rachael Brown reports on the tractor rally protests by Scottish farmers and crofters over the weekend, after being postponed by Storm Eowyn, the latest milk prices with Arla holding its price for conventional and organic for February, and thirteen dairy producers in the South West have been handed their 12 months' notice by Saputo Dairy UK
There has been a 23.7% decrease in Scottish milking herds over the last decade, according to the Scottish Dairy Cattle Association
In today's Farming in Five, chief reporter Rachael Brown reports on the Chancellor's remarks that the Fiscal Rules set out in the Autumn Budget are 'non-negotiable and will be met', NFU Council members have voted in favour of staging a further protest in the capital on February 25, as part of a drive to halt the family farm tax, and NFU Cymru has called on Natural Resources Wales to reverse its decision to stop issuing new permits that allow farmers to dispose of waste sheep dip to land.
NFU Scotland is calling on all farming and crofting members to complete its 2025 Intentions Survey with a message of ‘help us help you’
As Scotland’s first ever Tenant Farming Commissioner steps down at the end of his term, FG's chief reporter Rachael Brown spoke with Dr Bob McIntosh on the future of the tenanted sector
Application deadline is December 31 2024
The celebrity duo were travelling to the My Name'5 Doddie Foundation Anniversary Dinner and Awards, which raised more than £100,000 for vital MND research
Previous surveys by Quality Meat Scotland have never recorded a value above £100 million