NFU president Tom Bradshaw said Steve Barclay had been clear the Government would continue the BPS phase-out, and the union are considering how hard they are prepared to ‘fight' on the issue
With the focus on landlord-tenant relationships at the NFU tenant conference, some farmers felt more needed to be done to tackle bad practice by landlords and their land agents
The code has been introduced at a time when tenants in the north of England are facing notices to quit by estates as a result of 'inheritance tax planning', as well as poor collaboration around the Landscape Recovery project
Growers who signed up for herbal leys as one of the 23 options from the 2023 Sustainable Farming Initiative programme should seek advice on the suitability of mixtures being sold as ‘SAM3 compatible
As tenant farmers wait on Defra’s next move on recommendations to improve the sector, chief reporter Rachael Brown spoke to new Tenant Íæż½ã½ã Association chair Robert Martin
With food production at home and abroad under increasing strain, decisions to ‘rewild’ will undoubtedly cause tension and prompt many questions
Over 60 tenants attended a meeting at Penrith Auction Mart last night (April 3). Many had either already been given notices to quit by their landlord or were having difficult conversations
Organisation warns some SFI options could negatively impact future pulse production opportunities
Mr Ireland says he has given Jeremy Clarkson some advice on the subject of the Sustainable Farming Incentive
Secretary of State says funds will be added to coming year's budget