Different rates of slurry and artificial fertiliser have been trialled by Ayrshire dairy farmer, John Kerr, to see how yields can be optimised and costs reduced
More than double the funding was on offer in the second round of the Slurry Infrastructure Grant. But with dwindling confidence in the dairy sector farmers are cautious about where, when and what to invest in, questioning whether now is the right time to apply
While requirements on slurry storage are subject to change, advice on the current slurry cover options and available support was discussed on a recent AHDB webinar
Defra was probed on a specific date in autumn in which the online checker would open, but failed to give one. They said they were preparing to launch round two of the scheme and guidance would be issued soon
Funding from the Farming Innovation Pathway has aided the development of a product that could help the dairy industry in reducing emissions from slurry
The Farm Equipment and Technology Fund is designed to help farmers boost productivity, increase environmental sustainability and help with slurry management
After the success of the first round of funding in 2022, Katie Fallon looks at what is involved in round two of the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund.
With a large muck and slurry spreading workload, one Leicestershire farmer and contractor has turned to side discharge spreading as a more versatile option. Alex Heath finds out more.
Updating a slurry system to increase capacity and flexibility has offered wide ranging benefits for one Wiltshire dairy farmer. Jane Carley reports.