South Derbyshire farm campaigners hail Lullington Solar Park decision 'a win for local democracy'
This week's Íæż½ã½ã features Derbyshire tenant farmer Andrew Dakin who has launched a campaign to save Kidsley Park Farm from being 'lost forever' for a solar panel development
Baroness Kate Rock said with many of the responses from the Government packed into the Farm Tenancy forum, a lot was resting on its success, adding that the sector needed to start seeing ‘proactive thoughtful support'
Tenant Íæż½ã½ã Association said in the last few weeks alone, five tenant farmers had come forward with concerns over land being replaced by solar
Tenant Íæż½ã½ã Association said the Sturdy family's story sends out a crucial message to all other developers that they cannot treat tenant farmers as 'merely collateral damage'
Íæż½ã½ã' Union of Wales claim grid capacity and planning permission are the two main barriers preventing Welsh farmers being able to invest in small renewable projects. They said the Welsh Government must do more to ease the process
Agrivoltaic systems which combine farmland and solar power are becoming increasingly popular, as farmers look to boost incomes and reduce their dependence on fossil fuels.