Rob Black said often tenants make assumptions of their landlords and vice versa. He said there was a need for more ‘genuine conversations’ encouraging landlords and tenants to ‘sit down and talk to each other’
The show will follow the National Trust as it searches for a new tenant of a 243-hectare farm in Eryri National Park
Tenant farmers Bob Felton and Liz Wallis are committed custodians of a Sussex farm with ancient woodland, rolling hills and a 17th-century farmhouse
Positivity is key to the approach taken by Matt Brooks and Laura Pollock as they take their first steps on the farming ladder in Monmouthshire
Mr Reed was questioned how he will protect tenant farmers, who are threatened by eviction from their holdings, due to landlords being concerned about the Inheritance Tax bill they will face
As Scotland’s first ever Tenant Farming Commissioner steps down at the end of his term, FG's chief reporter Rachael Brown spoke with Dr Bob McIntosh on the future of the tenanted sector
Importance of tenant farms to rural communities, and the ‘many challenges' tenants faced were highlighted to mid & south Pembrokeshire Labour MP Henry Tufnell at a rent farm visit
Deputy First Minister Huw Irranca-Davies said Ministers did not have a ‘statutory basis to intervene in the sale of land owned by councils
"We should not allow farmland to be taken away by the National Trust"
Ross and Elaine Pattinson worked hard to secure a tenancy of their own and have endeavoured to make their business as robust as possible for the family’s future. Howard Walsh finds out more