Íæż½ã½ã's Chief Reporter Rachael Brown discusses this week's announcement of the Welsh Government's new design for the Sustainable Farming Scheme
Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Climate Change Huw-Irranca Davies spoke with our chief reporter Rachael Brown about updates to the Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS), Hybu Cig Cymru facing allegations of 'toxic culture', IHT changes and impact on Welsh farmers, and the upcoming budget in Wales and what this means for SFS
The Welsh Government's new outline for the Sustainable Farming Scheme has ‘scaled back' the number of universal actions from 17 to 12
The farm-level 10% tree cover figure has been removed and will be replaced by a scheme-wide target, which will be agreed after discussions with the Ministerial Roundtable
Welsh Conservatives set to launch its 'Welsh Farming and Countryside Scheme' at the Royal Welsh Winter Fair, as an alternative to the Welsh Government's 'damaging' Sustainable Farming Scheme
Welsh Conservatives said the family farm tax will be 'detrimental to the future of farming in Wales', warning that food security will be 'threatened and food prices will rise'
A rumoured move in funding towards the Barnett formula would mean a UK Treasury model ‘calculates the amount of block grant each of the devolved nations should receive based on populations'
It is after two instances of BTV-3 infected animals being moved into Gwynedd and Ynys Mon
NFU Cymru president Aled Jones said 'around £340 million should be forthcoming from the Treasury block grant to Welsh Government for agricultural support'
Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Climate Change Huw Irranca-Davies confirmed the carbon sequestration evidence panel would be reporting its findings to the ministerial roundtable 'anytime soon'