Íæż½ã½ã and rural businesses are rightly up in arms following the Budget, in which valuable Inheritance Tax reliefs for agricultural and business assets were decimated
Dan Jones farms 650 ewes at the National Trust-owned Parc Farm, which sits on the Great Orme on the North Wales coast near Llandudno
Laura Millar celebrates Borderway Agri Expo
This week from Íæż½ã½ã editor Olivia Midgley
Accountant Rob Hitch, of Dodd and Co, discusses the impact of the Chancellor's Budget on farmers
Ian Atkinson on this year's strong sales
James and Isobel, with their two young children, recently bought their first farm, and plan to run beef and sheep over 13.8 hectares (34 acres), renting a further 44.5ha (110 acres). James works for tech firm Breedr as a product manager. You can follow them on Twitter @jpbwfarm
James farms Dairy Shorthorns east of Kendal, Cumbria, with his parents Kathleen and Henry, wife Michelle and sons Robert and Chris. The fifth generation to farm at Strickley, he is also vice-chair of the Nature Friendly Farming Network
NFU Combinable Crops chair Jamie Burrows shares his thoughts on the arable sector
Ian farms in partnership with his family near Knutsford, Cheshire. They manage 700 commercial pedigree Holstein/Friesians on 445 hectares (1,100 acres). Replacements are home-reared and cows are on a composite system. Ian is a representative for Sainsbury’s Dairy Development Group and sits on the AHDB Genetics Advisory Forum