Michael Miller specialises in Agriculture, Farms and Estates Partner at law firm Spencer West LLP
Emma and her family farm in Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, milking 100 pedigree Holsteins and selling raw milk from the farmgate. They also run 300 North Country Mules. Emma is Monmouthshire NFU chair and volunteers with the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution
Amy works on her family’s tenanted farm at Halsall, Lancashire. Working mainly with her dad, Amy farms 285 hectares (704 acres) of arable crops and 550 beef cross cattle which are all reared through to finishing. You can follow her on Instagram @amygingewilkinson
Harry Bowell is Director of Land and Nature at the National Trust
A new history book which looks at the origins of the Aberdeen-Angus breed has discovered the breed's roots may have been founded much further back in time than originally thought
Christine Bish is member of management of the National Farm Women’s Club and chair of the RABI Volunteers Committee for Cambridgeshire
Experts at a recent Íæż½ã½ã webinar answered reader's questions on grant funding
Police were called to the premises on Rouncil Lane just after 6pm on December 20
Zanna Dennis looks ahead to 2025
This week's opinion from throughout the world of agriculture: CLA vice-president Joe Evans