The milk processor said the project would play a key role in its ambition to decrease on-farm emissions by 30% by 2030
As with all farmers, the weather is one of our biggest influences on nearly everything we do
Meat exports, led by beef, increased by 5%
The campaign is highlighting the taste, nutritional benefits and trust in British farming
The dairy said turnover fell as a result of volatility in like for like milk prices
"Michael was a key driving force behind a number of high-profile issues, none more so than helping to get legislation laid in Parliament to ensure fair and transparent contracts for all UK dairy farmers"
Could the future see more 'environmentally friendly cows' in the Uk?
With Swiss agriculture contemplating how it mixes its centuries old way of life with the demands of modern consumers, Alex Black spoke to farmers in Switzerland about how they see the future
Working together to manage the 200-plus milking herd as well as an on-site adventure farm is key to the success of the Lewis family’s, Clerkenhill Farm, Haverfordwest
Creating and maintaining a sustainable dairy business means one that will still be thriving 100 years from now, for Dutch farmer Judith de Vor and her family