Arla was expecting a strong first half of 2024, but it was difficult to see what lies further ahead in a volatile market
Fertiliser prices spiralled ahead of and following the invasion, hitting unprecedented highs in summer 2022
With wheat prices at their lowest level since October 2020, growers might be reluctant to sell, but values could stay low until after the harvest
Quality Meat Scotland said prime cattle prices began 2024 around 45 per cent higher than they started 2020
International factors are driving the grain market, with the prospect of more Black Sea wheat and a delayed order for French wheat by the Chinese putting pressure on prices.
The Christmas trade will influence the prices paid for lambs
New report says more must be done to protect animal welfare standards and guard agains food crime
Increased wholesale prices give some hope that milk prices could follow suit in the coming months, although the latest published values are yet to show a rise
Industry leaders say soaring imports underminining UK farmers and producers