For anyone with a passion for livestock, auctioneering can be a rewarding career, but with a lack of young people coming into the industry, auction companies are looking at new ways of recruitment.
Although there are now significantly fewer livestock markets than there once were, there is a shortage auctioneers, meaning there are great opportunities available for anyone keen to take up the role.
There is no set route into livestock auctioneering, although good livestock and farming knowledge is essential. Many auctioneers are from family farms or have family links to auctioneering, but this is not always the case.
Historically, many auctioneers split their time between selling in the market and undertaking professional work and, as such, are qualified chartered surveyors or land agents.
This is still the case in a number of markets, particularly in the south of England, which is not as heavily populated with livestock and where they can spend one or two days selling and the rest of the time focusing on professional work.
But especially in the North and the Welsh borders, where there are more markets and more livestock, many auctioneers, even if they have other qualifications, spend all of their time selling and on market-related business.
LAA outlines new market prices platform
The livestock market operations and management course run by Harper Adams University, in conjuction with the Livestock Auctioneers' Association (LAA), is the route to membership of either the LAA or the Institute of Auctioneers and Appraisers of Scotland (IAAS).
The LAA also has its Next Generation Group for young auctioneers and fieldsmen up to the age of 40 working in livestock markets in England and Wales.
Its chair, Greg Christopher, of Hereford Market Auctioneers, says: "The Next Generation Group is somewhere younger auctioneers can share their views, ideas and concerns with their peers, as well as socialise.
"It is also great for networking - getting to know other auctioneers from all parts of the UK - meaning you can just pick up the phone and chat to any of them."
Zanna Dennis, development officer, says: "As well as the academic side, a big part of the Harper Adams course is getting to know other auctioneers, which is backed up by the Next Generation Group.
"But we are aware that there are not a lot of new auctioneers coming into the industry and a focus for the Next Generation Group in the future will be how we attract people.
"We all know that agriculture and related jobs are not high on the priority list of career advice in schools and colleges, so we need to think how we can take a different approach."
This is something which is already being explored at CCM Auctions, Skipton.
New approach at CCM Auctions, Skipton
Jeremy Eaton, auctioneer and general manager says: "There is a real shortage of good livestock auctioneers and we have found that the conventional route of recruiting students from college or university has dried up.
"They tend to be snapped up by land agents and there is a general feeling that career opportunities are few and far between in the livestock sector.
"In the North, many markets are farmer owned and managed, with the main focus on providing a service selling livestock for local farmers, rather than professional work.
"Many current auctioneers worked their way up from the bottom, starting by working in the yards and becoming a good drover or fieldsman and then perhaps moving to an admin role and then started selling.
"One of the advantages of working your way up the ranks is you get to know the people in the area and the farmers, which helps when you come to selling.
"If you do not have other qualifications, the LAA course fills that gap, but I would always advise someone to get another qualification, such as a chartered surveyor, if possible, as an insurance policy.
"If we advertise for an auctioneer, we do not get a response, so we have decided to take a different approach by offering apprenticeships."
This involves working in partnership with local farms and Craven College, with apprentices spending two days a week in the market, three days on-farm and one day every two weeks in college.
Mr Eaton says: "Each student has an individual farm which has been vetted by us and then they spend time in the market learning about how it works, animal health and welfare, biosecurity and so on and then some time in college.
"They are employed and paid a salary accordingly and we try to make sure the work is interesting and beneficial to them, not mundane. We also give them formal training, such as getting telehandler ticket.
"It seems to be working well and, since working with the college, it has generated a lot of interest amongst the students, who are beginning to realise there are a number of both full-time and part-time farming-related jobs."
Because this has been so successful, the company is now using the same model with a graduate from a rural land-based course who is interested in becoming an auctioneer.
Mr Eaton says: "We do not do property work ourselves, but there is an independent land agency on-site, so the apprentice spends three days in the market and two days with them, so this is another option for us going forward."
At Hexham mart, the approach is to try and attract young talent even earlier, as auctioneer Jack Walton says: "We work with the Royal Countryside Fund in introducing children to livestock markets.
"We host school visits on non-market days when we get some stock into the mart, explain to them how it all works and the process of buying and selling.
"They also get to have a go at auctioneering if they want to and find that they really enjoy it. We also host visits with university students.
"It is important we try to educate the wider public about farming and food production and the range of jobs available in the sector.
"When I told my careers adviser I wanted to be a livestock auctioneer, he had no idea what I meant, and that needs to change."
Top tips to becoming an auctioneer
Sion Eilir Roberts, auctioneer with Jones Peckover, St Asaph:
"Having a good relationship with customers is the most important part of the job. Actually selling the livestock is only a very small part of it.
"You have to do your homework before sale day and have to engage with customers so they have confidence and faith in you to sell their stock.
"You also have to know the buyers and get their feedback as to how stock has performed.
"To anyone thinking of wanting to be an auctioneer, I would say ‘give it a go'. Do not be put off if you do not have professional qualifications.
"I do not have any, apart from taking the LAA course, as all I wanted to do was sell livestock. You get one chance if life so make the most of it."
Greg Christopher, Hereford Livestock Auctioneers, Hereford:
"You have to have a passion for the job and live and breathe it, as it is not five days a week, nine to five, and you must have people skills.
"But there are opportunities out there. Young Íæż½ã½ã competitions are a good way to start and you can ask markets to take you on for work experience during holidays to get used to the market environment and see if it is for you."
Jeremey Eaton, CCM Auctions, Skipton:
"As well as a passion for livestock and people skills, you have to have a certain level of confidence, but that will grow once you realise you can do it.
"You also have to be able to value stock - you are selling to a knowledgeable audience and have to be proactive on behalf of the vendor."
Jack Walton, Hexham and Northern Marts, Hexham:
"Know your clients and know their stock. You have to be first on the dock in the morning with a smile on your face welcoming customers and then still be the last to leave at night. Start at the bottom and work your way up."
Livestock market operations and management course, Harper Adams University
Candidates start with the university foundation certificate, which involves studying six modules over two years, three each year.
This, along with practical experience, will achieve associate status with the LAA and IAAS and the course has been designed to provide the knowledge and skills needed to be competent working in a livestock auction.
There is then the option to take the certificate of higher education, consisting of a further four modules over two years, and along with practical experience, this leads to fellowship status with the LAA or IAAS.
Study includes campus tutition, online study, group visits and assessments. Advanced entry options are available to graduates in suitable subjects. For example, agriculture graduates and graduates of courses with professional accreditation by the Royal Institution of Charted Surveyors.
For further information on the Livestock Market Operations and Management course: