With discussions about succession dominating industry conversations at present, the Livestock Auctioneers Association's Chris Dodds is looking to plan for the organisation's future
Íæż½ã½ã have seen strong prime beef prices at auction marts of late, but will the trend continue?
Livestock Auctioneers’ Association (LAA) executive secretary Chris Dodds has been recognised as a leader in British farming
Catch up with what's been happening at the auction marts
Markets across the UK report high prices ahead of autumn season
The Livestock Auctioneer's Association has launched MartSafe 3.0, a third year of its training programme for livestock market staff
Red Tractor interim chair, Alistair Mackintosh provoked frustration from farmers and auctioneers after comments he was achieving better prices due to Red Tractor assurance than he would have done at the auction mart
There was an increased entry of more than 6000 breeding ewes and lambs at the Íæż½ã½ã supported Great July Fair at Exeter which is renowned for Suffolk cross Mules fit for early lambing
The latest averages across cattle, sheep and poultry at UK auction marts.
The sale of Limousin bulls at Carlisle topped at 18,000gns with a 68% clearance and an average of £5,753, up £155 on the year