Firstly, I would like to wish a Happy New Year to all those reading this article. The dry weather break in early December felt like it was over within hours
This week from our In your field writer Amy Wilkinson (January 5)
From this week's In your field writer, Kate Rowell
I had hoped that I would be writing this from our new home on a small farm, but alas solicitors’ wheels turn slowly and we are to spend Christmas in a rented house — again
While a later lambing mostly suits our farming system, this year’s atrocious weather has had even the rams questioning the delayed tupping
This month marks a year since we moved to our farm on a long-term lease with Warwickshire County Council — a dream that felt probably out of reach when we started our business five years ago.
I would just like to start by thanking everyone who spoke to me about my last piece.
Our very soggy harvest of 2023 finally came to an end on October 18.
Not wanting to break with tradition, it is raining outside and not wanting to break with tradition myself, I am writing about it
The rather soggy harvest of 2023 is coming to a close. Well, I hope it is all in the shed by the time this is published anyway. It has definitely been a long one.