The NFU dairy intentions survey found almost 10 per cent of dairy farmers said they would be likely to stop supplying milk by 2025, with smaller producers being the most impacted
Defra-funded research project looks to help farmers to understand soil health by listening to the noises made by earthworms
Funding for investment in livestock housing has been welcomed by the sector but some farmers are concerned about the logistics of securing planning permission and barriers to new entrants
An environmental campaign group, River Action has released a series of videos across social media that seek to blame agriculture for river pollution
Recently the Íæż½ã½ã reported on a Wales civil service document which claimed ‘big emissions numbers in the Welsh agricultural inventory will always come from ruminants' and that ‘the elephant in the room is always livestock numbers'
Rural Affairs Minister Lesley Griffiths said 'progress' continued to be made with tackling bTB in Wales, but acknowledged it was ‘slow'. She asked for farmers and vets to 'redouble their efforts'
Pasture for Life (PfL) project looks to support farmers in protected landscapes who are looking to incorporate regenerative farming practices into ruminant livestock systems
According to figures from Defra, the number of new bTB herd incidents in the last 12 months increased by 13 in Scotland, with the number of herds under restriction rising by 16
Farming a Greener Future will showcase how livestock farming can have a positive impact on nature as well as food security
A fourth-generation dairy farmer from Pembrokeshire has gone down with bTB after five years of being TB free. He has criticised the Welsh Government for ‘burying their heads in the sand'