Defra criticised for 'missing the point' when it comes to its new entrant pilot schemes
In the first of a new series of Íæż½ã½ã’s #FarmingCAN campaign, Emily Ashworth talks to young farmer Dylan Vetara about representing the industry
After reuniting in later life, friends Hollie Fallick and Francesca Cooper have forged their own farming path. Emily Ashworth finds out more.
The regenerative agriculture movement has been gaining traction in the past few years and is heralded to provide a range of benefits to agriculture. One couple has been captivated by the concept and built their farming system around it. Ruth Wills pays them a visit.
Being a nurse during the pandemic took its toll on Chloe Lucas, but Emily Ashworth finds out how this new entrant found a passion for farming after a turbulent time.
Young people from rural areas face being trapped in social mobility coldspots and risk becoming part of a forgotten generation, according to a new study.
Spring in the countryside is a celebration of life in rural Britain. Here, Emily Ashworth talks to one of industry’s most well-known shepherdesses, Zoe Colville, AKA The Chief Shepherdess.
After buying his own farm in 2018, young farmer Jesper Toft Bitsch has invested in a new cow accommodation and automation. Chris McCullough reports.
The NFU has revealed the names of the 11 farmers chosen to be its Student & Young Farmer Ambassadors for this year.